Envision Joins ElevenLabs Grants Program: A Milestone in Assistive Technology

Together, let's make technology more personal, conversational, and accessible!

July 1, 2024
envision logo with an 'x' with elevenlabs the background is yellow

We are thrilled to announce that Envision has been awarded an ElevenLabs Grant! This exciting development enables us to integrate human-like voices into our products, enhancing the user experience for people who are blind or have low vision. With this grant, we can take our innovative assistive technology to the next level, making it more engaging and accessible than ever before.

ElevenLabs Grants: Empowering Innovation

The ElevenLabs Grants program was launched six months ago to help startups build applications with advanced AI audio capabilities without worrying about costs. In this short time, ElevenLabs has awarded over 1,280 grants to a diverse range of innovative projects, including Envision. Other notable recipients include Sensay, SellMeThisPen, Lirvana Labs, Maker of Yeti Confetti, Kids AudioOne, FYI Persona Studios, and more. This initiative has already sparked a wave of creativity and progress across various industries.

What's Included in the Grant?

With the ElevenLabs Grant, we receive:

  • Three Months Free Usage: Over 200 hours of generated audio each month.
  • 11 Million Characters per Month: High-scale capacity for creating rich, detailed audio content.
  • Enterprise-Level Benefits: Early access to new features and high-scale capacity.

These resources are invaluable as we continue to develop and refine our products. The ability to generate such a significant amount of high-quality audio allows us to experiment, iterate, and perfect our AI voices to meet the needs of our users.

Our Vision for AI Assistants

At Envision, we are committed to making AI assistants more personal and conversational. This grant will significantly enhance our ability to deliver natural, engaging voice interactions for our users. By leveraging ElevenLabs’ advanced voice technology, we aim to create a more accessible and inclusive experience for people who are blind or have low vision.

Join Us in Revolutionizing AI Audio

We are proud to be part of this groundbreaking initiative and excited to partner with ElevenLabs to bring their amazing voices to the global blind and low vision community. This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to make technology more accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

Stay tuned as we continue to innovate and bring more advancements to our users. We're excited about the future and the possibilities this grant opens up for us and our community.